"We believe this: everyone’s a little bit right. We need to honor the history of our town, AND move it forward. We need to invest in our future, AND be mindful of costs. We need to join with neighboring communities, AND foster a communal spirit right here in Highlands."

This is the #1 issue we're all
thinking about.
We plan to approach this issue from all sides. Yes, we plan to look at spending and we share the concerns folks have about the coming costs of our municipal building. However, we also need to work with state and county officials to determine whether the Assessment Demonstration Program has truly served the best interests of the regular homeowner.

This is the #1 issue we SHOULD be thinking about.
We got into this race specifically to deal with this issue and believe it is the hidden step to any revitalization of Bay Ave. We are in total agreement with the recent mitigation resiliency plan and will work with residents to find the most aesthetically pleasing placement for any infrastructure. It is vital that we pursue parallel paths, so we can have a working system as soon as possible. Concerns about costs must be balanced by the knowledge that to do nothing will cause an exponentially higher financial burden in the future.

This is how we are going to deal with the first two issues.
Come hell or high water, we are all in this together, and we plan to make the very best of it. As we wrote in our message, we believe that we all agree on more things than we disagree on, and for the rest, we can agree to disagree. We intend to encourage a renewed civic spirit in any way we can, on a local level and with our neighbors. Find a group to join on the town website, or add a group you're in.
All Hands On Deck.